Here you can learn about the virtual rewards of the directory.
Virtual rewards within this thematic directory are: points, kisses, candies, gems, medals, badges and trophies.

This list is like an index for you.
Also, you can view the logs and get important information.
Tap or click here to view section
Tap or click here to view section
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This medal is essential for certain types of exchanges.
Tap or click here to view section
Tap or click here to view section
Selecciona tu Idioma.
Idioma Toca o haz clic en el nombre del idioma de tu elección para cambiar el sitio web a ese idioma.
Account preferences and information.
Translation This thematic directory refers to the Spanish words for points, kisses, candies, gems, medals, badges and trophies. The words are as follows in their respective order: “puntos”, “besos”, “caramelos”, “gemas”, “medallas”, “insignias” and “trofeos”.
Notifications about virtual rewards.
Through email.
Do you want to receive notifications via email about virtual rewards?
Please, log in to view your email preferences.Your activity about virtual rewards.
Most recent logs related to this account.
Information about virtual rewards.
How to earn rewards?
We have special rewards for each type of our users.
Each type of reward is designed to reward each type of user in a special way.
Rewards for everyone.
Your current balance in points.

Tip Tap or click on “Show Details” (below), to see the easy tasks you can perform to get rewards and increase your balance in points.
You can also see the actions that you should avoid taking so as not to be penalized in your balance.
Tasks to participate in common activities.
4 Punto Awards
- Español 1 punto por acceder al directorio de fotógrafos. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por día). | English 1 point for accessing the photographers directory. 1 time (limited to 1 time per day).
- Español 1 punto por leer cualquier publicación de Blog y Prensa. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por día). | English 1 point for reading any Blog and Press post. 1 time (limited to 1 time per day).
- Español 2 puntos por comentar en cualquier publicación de Blog y Prensa. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por día). | English 2 points for commenting on any Blog and Press post. 1 time (limited to 1 time per day).
- Español 3 puntos por visitar la página de Blog y Prensa, perteneciente a la Empresa Amada Madonna, a través del enlace correspondiente. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por semana). | English 3 points for visiting the Blog and Press page, belonging to Amada Madonna Company, through the corresponding link. 1 time (limited to 1 time per week).
Earn points right now for participating in common activities.
To start earning points explore our “Blog and Press” publications.
Additional reward The next button will take you to the “Blog and Press” section; but also, by touching or clicking on it you will automatically get more rewards in points, the rewards of this button are 1 time per week.
Tap or click the following button:
Rewards for wedding couples.
Your current balance in kisses.

Tip Tap or click on “Show Details” (below), to see the easy tasks you can perform to get rewards and increase your balance in kisses.
You can also see the actions that you should avoid taking so as not to be penalized in your balance.
Tasks to support content creators.
4 Beso Awards
- Español 1 beso por visualizar cualquier anuncio de bodas en necesidad de fotógrafos. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por día). | English 1 kiss for viewing any wedding ad in need of photographers. 1 time (limited to 1 time per day).
- Español 1 beso por visualizar cualquier anuncio de los fotógrafos de bodas. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por día). | English 1 kiss for viewing any wedding photographers’ ad. 1 time (limited to 1 time per day).
- Español 2 besos por escribir una reseña en cualquier anuncio de los fotógrafos de bodas. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por día). | English 2 kisses for writing a review on any any wedding photographers’ ad. 1 time (limited to 1 time per day).
- Español 3 besos por visitar la página de los directorios temáticos, perteneciente a la Empresa Amada Madonna, a través del enlace correspondiente. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por semana). | English 3 kisses for visiting the page of the thematic directories, belonging to Amada Madonna Company, through the corresponding link. 1 time (limited to 1 time per week).
Earn kisses for supporting content creators.
To start earning kisses, choose the State that corresponds to the city of your interest, so we will show you a list of wedding providers and upcoming weddings.
Additional reward The following button will take you to the “Thematic Directories” section belonging to Amada Madonna Company; but also, by touching or clicking on it you will automatically get more kiss rewards, the rewards of this button are 1 time per week.
Tap or click the following button:
Rewards for wedding or event planners.
Your current balance in candy.

Tip Tap or click on “Show Details” (below), to see the easy tasks you can perform to get rewards and increase your balance in candies.
You can also see the actions that you should avoid taking so as not to be penalized in your balance.
Tasks to create love experiences.
4 Caramelo Awards
- Español 1 caramelo por registrar un nuevo organizador de bodas. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por semana). | English 1 candy for register a new wedding planner. 1 time (limited to 1 time per week).
- Español 1 caramelo por registrar un nuevo lugar de bodas. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por semana). | English 1 candy for register a new wedding venue. 1 time (limited to 1 time per week).
- Español 2 caramelos por publicar una nueva boda en necesidad de fotógrafos. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por día). | English 2 candies for publishing a new wedding in need of photographers. 1 time (limited to 1 time per day).
- Español 3 caramelos por visitar la página del boletín informativo, perteneciente a la Empresa Amada Madonna, a través del enlace correspondiente. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por semana). | English 3 candies for visiting the newsletter page, belonging to Amada Madonna Company, through the corresponding link. 1 time (limited to 1 time per week).
1 Caramelo Deduction
- Español – 3 caramelos por eliminar una boda en necesidad de fotógrafos. | English – 3 candies for eliminating a wedding in need of photographers.
Earn candies for creating love experiences.
To start earning candy, go to your “Publications dashboard” to post your customers’ weddings.
Go to the Publications dashboard
Additional reward The following button will take you to the section of the “Newsletter” belonging to The Amada Madonna Company; but also, by touching or clicking on it you will automatically get more candy rewards, the rewards of this button are 1 time per week.
Tap or click the following button:
Rewards for wedding vendors.
Your current balance in gems.

Tip Tap or click on “Show Details” (below), to see the easy tasks you can perform to get rewards and increase your balance in gems.
You can also see the actions that you should avoid taking so as not to be penalized in your balance.
Tasks to collaborate as a wedding vendor.
2 Gema Awards
- Español 1 gema por recibir una reseña en cualquiera de tus anuncios publicados como fotógrafo. | English 1 gem for receiving a review on any of your published ads as a photographer.
- Español 2 gemas por visitar la página de © Amada Madonna Fairy, a través del enlace correspondiente. 1 vez (limitado a 1 vez por semana). | English 2 gems for visiting the © Amada Madonna Fairy page, through the corresponding link. 1 time (limited to 1 time per week).
2 Gema Deductions
- Español – 2 gemas por obtener una reseña marcada como SPAM. | English – 2 gems for getting a review marked as SPAM.
- Español – 10 gemas por eliminar un escaparate de fotógrafo. | English – 10 gems for removing a photographer’s storefront.
Earn gems for contributing to this thematic directory.
To start earning gems, go to your “Work desk” to post ads that are appropriate to your activities and interests.
Additional reward The following button will take you to the “© Amada Madonna Fairy” section belonging to The Amada Madonna Company; but also, by touching or clicking on it you will automatically get more rewards in gems, the rewards of this button are 1 time per week.
Tap or click the following button:
Recommend and get gems.
Our biggest reward in gems.
50 gems for inviting someone to register on “”; that is to say, that the new person visits this thematic directory and also creates a new account for him/her. There is no limit to the number of people, neither per day, nor per week, nor per month. It is necessary to ask the new user to use your ID code when registering, to indicate that it comes from you.
You can copy the following phrase; which is ready for you to use, and paste it on Facebook or the social network you want to start inviting your contacts.
When will the gems be credited to my account?
On the redemption cutoff date, the 15th of each month.
Medals and badges, to validate the requirements.
After you earn virtual rewards, you can obtain medals and badges to validate and demonstrate that you have satisfactorily met the necessary requirements, so you can make the first exchanges.
Tip When you get a medal or badge, the corresponding image will be displayed in full color. To see more detail about a medal or badge, tap or click on the title in question.
Differences between medals and badges.
Badges provide the steps to fully participate in the rewards.
Medals are unlocked automatically; that is, through user interaction in the thematic directory.
The badges verify that the rewards have been obtained ethically.
Badges are only unlocked manually; that is, spending points, kisses, candies or gems.
Tip Tap or click “Show Details” (below), to see the required steps you need to take to get this badge.
Miembro de la casa (Member of the house)
Español Esta medalla es indispensable para poder obtener trofeos y hacer canjes. | English This medal is indispensable to obtain trophies and make exchanges.
4 Steps
- Acceder al directorio de fotógrafos, 210 veces. 1 visita por día. | Access the photographers directory, 210 times. 1 visit per day.
- Leer cualquier publicación de Blog y Prensa, 111 veces. 1 vez por día. | Reading any Blog and Press post, 111 times. 1 time per day.
- Comentar en cualquier publicación de Blog y Prensa, 70 veces. 1 vez por día. | Commenting on any Blog and Press post, 70 times. 1 time per day.
- Obtener la insignia: Miembro de la casa – Canje (Member of the house – Redemption) | Obtain the badge: Miembro de la casa – Canje (Member of the house – Redemption).
Miembro de la casa – Canje (Member of the house – Redemption)
Español Puedes desbloquear esta insignia con 500 puntos. | English You can unlock this badge with 500 points.
- You will be able to obtain: “Featured classified ad” in
- Main beneficiaries: For wedding couples and wedding vendors.
- Validity: It is valid for a single advertisement, in subsequent redemptions more advertisements can be added.
- Functionality: So that wedding couples and wedding vendors can do business and obtain opportunities in a segmented wedding market.
You can see the product sheet at Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, for more information. Although it appears with its price in the store, when you get this medal you can apply a 100% discount code for a single ad.
Tip Tap or click “Show Details” (below), to see the required steps you need to take to get this badge.
Bodas como diamantes (Weddings like diamonds)
Español Esta medalla es para honrar a las parejas de bodas. | English This medal is to honor wedding couples.
4 Steps
- Visualizar cualquier anuncio de bodas en necesidad de fotógrafos, 111 veces. 1 vez por día. | Viewing any wedding ad in need of photographers, 111 times. 1 time per day.
- Visualizar cualquier anuncio de los fotógrafos de bodas, 111 veces. 1 vez por día. | Viewing any wedding photographers’ ad, 111 times. 1 time per day.
- Escribir una reseña en cualquier anuncio de los fotógrafos de bodas, 12 veces. 1 vez por día. | Writing a review on any any wedding photographers’ ad, 12 times. 1 time per day.
- Obtener la insignia: Bodas como diamantes - Canje (Weddings like diamonds) | Obtain the badge: Bodas como diamantes - Canje (Weddings like diamonds).
Bodas como diamantes – Canje (Weddings like diamonds – Redemption)
Español Puedes desbloquear esta insignia con 300 besos. | English You can unlock this badge with 300 kisses.
- You will be able to obtain: “Amada Madonna Fairy, version for wedding couples”.
- Main beneficiaries: Wedding couples.
- Validity: One month, it can be renewed with another exchange of this type.
- Functionality: So wedding couples can plan their wedding with wedding vendors.
You can see the product sheet at Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, for more information. Although it appears with its price in the store, when you get this medal you can apply a 100% discount code for a month.
Tip Tap or click “Show Details” (below), to see the required steps you need to take to get this badge.
Sueños de amor (Love dreams)
Español Esta medalla es para honrar a los organizadores de bodas y lugares de bodas. | English This medal is to honor wedding planners and wedding venues.
4 Steps
- Registrar un nuevo organizador de bodas, 1 vez. | Register a new wedding planner, 1 time.
- Registrar un nuevo lugar de bodas, 7 veces. 1 vez por día. | Register a new wedding venue, 7 times. 1 time per day.
- Publicar una nueva boda en necesidad de fotógrafos (o un evento relacionado con los fotógrafos en México), 33 veces. 1 vez por día. | Publishing a new wedding in need of photographers (or an event related to photographers in Mexico), 33 times. 1 time per day.
- Obtener la insignia: Sueños de amor – Canje (Love dreams – Redemption) | Obtain the badge: Sueños de amor – Canje (Love dreams – Redemption).
Sueños de amor – Canje (Love dreams – Redemption)
Español Puedes desbloquear esta insignia con 300 caramelos. | English You can unlock this badge with 300 candies.
- You will be able to obtain: “Featured wedding” in
- Main beneficiaries: For wedding or event planners.
- Validity: It is valid for a single ad, in subsequent redemptions more ads can be added.
- Functionality: So that wedding or event planners can be more efficient for their clients.
You can see the product sheet at Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, for more information. Although it appears with its price in the store, when you get this medal you can apply a 100% discount code for a single ad.
Tip Tap or click “Show Details” (below), to see the required steps you need to take to get this badge.
Gran creación de contenido (Great content creation)
Español Esta medalla es para honrar a los fotógrafos de bodas. | English This medal is to honor wedding photographers.
2 Steps
- Recibir una reseña en cualquiera de tus anuncios publicados como fotógrafo, 33 veces. 1 vez por día. | Receive a review on any of your published ads as a photographer, 33 times. 1 time per day.
- Obtener la insignia: Gran creación de contenido – Canje (Great content creation – Redemption) | Obtain the badge: Gran creación de contenido – Canje (Great content creation – Redemption).
Gran creación de contenido – Canje (Great content creation – Redemption)
Español Puedes desbloquear esta insignia con 300 gemas. | English You can unlock this badge with 300 gems.
- You will be able to obtain: “Amada Madonna Fairy, version for wedding vendors”.
- Main beneficiaries: Wedding vendors.
- Validity: 1 month, can be renewed with another exchange of this type.
- Functionality: So that wedding vendors can work.
You can see the product sheet at Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, for more information. Although it appears with its price in the store, when you get this medal you can apply a 100% discount code for a month.
Abanderado de la felicidad (Standard bearer of happiness)
Español Esta medalla sólo puede ser obtenida al cumplir exitosamente con la dinámica de: Bandera de | English This medal can only be obtained by successfully fulfilling the dynamics of: Banner of
Steps to make the exchanges.
With a single account, you can make all purchases and redemptions.
You can create an account at Amada Madonna Store - MX EN, through the following button:
Because it is the most efficient and fastest way to make purchases safely.
From a single account you can buy any of the products and services offered by the Amada Madonna Company in Mexico. Remember that belongs to this Company.
Renewal of the exchange.
Before the end of the time period of an active service, you will have the option to renew it through a new redemption, or to pay for it as a normal purchase with money. You can intersperse these options for the renewal; that is, you can choose to renew one month through the exchange and the other month through a normal purchase, whichever is more convenient for you.
Cut-off dates in the exchanges.
The cut-off date to make certain types of redemption is until the 15th of each month.
Where can I see the activation and expiration dates?
In your Amada Madonna Store - MX EN account, when you log in you will see a panel with your subscription information.
Mission of standard bearer of happiness.
The successful completion of this mission is rewarded with the medal of: Standard bearer of happiness. This medal is essential for certain types of exchanges.
Copy the HTML code and paste it into your website.
You can proudly show that you belong to the thematic directory of, using an HTML code that you can add to your web site.
Remember that it is important that you add the HTML code so that it appears on the main page of your website.
Request verification.
Once you have added the HTML code and have verified that it appears correctly, then you can request verification so that an employee of our Team can verify that everything is done correctly.
How can I check the verification status?
You must create an account at Amada Madonna Store - MX EN, you can do it for free. You can do it through the following button:
Once you have completed the steps, the verification status will appear in your Amada Madonna Store - MX EN account.
Obviously, you will see the medal activated in this thematic directory when the verification is successful, and also when the routine check is also successful.
You have two options, use the one you want.
Simply select the HTML code we provide as it appears, and paste it into the section you want on your website, as long as it's on the main page.
This is how the contributor banner will look like on your website.

This is the HTML code of the contributor banner.
<center><a href=’’ title=’Wedding Photographers MX’><img alt=’We are at:’ src=’’ /></a></center>
This is how the dark contributor banner will look like on your website.

This is the HTML code for the dark banner of the contributor.
<center><a href=’’ title=’Wedding Photographers MX’><img alt=’We are at:’ src=’’ /></a></center>
Can medals and trophies be revoked?
Remember that if at any time you delete the HTML code of your website, then the corresponding medal as well as the corresponding trophies may be revoked. What you can do is relocate the code within the front page of your website, as long as it stays on the main page.
Unless we notify you in writing through this thematic directory, you must not modify the HTML code in any way or the corresponding medal as well as the corresponding trophies may be revoked.
Trophies, to make more valuable exchanges.
Trophies are a type of rank within this thematic directory, they allow you to demonstrate your loyalty and compliance with medals and badges. It is through the trophies that indicate so, that you can make the exchanges to obtain services for free.
Tip When you get a trophy, the corresponding image will be displayed in full color. To see more detail about a trophy, touch or click on the title in question, below its corresponding image.
Libro de la fama (Book of Fame)
Español Nivel 1. Este trofeo es meramente honorífico. | Level 1. English This trophy is merely honorary.
Tip Tap or click “Show Details” (below), to see the required steps you need to take to get this trophy.
Cuento mágico de calabazas y muebles (Magical tale of pumpkins and furniture)
Español Nivel 2. Este trofeo recompensa a los usuarios asiduos que participan en nuestro directorio. | English Level 2. This trophy rewards regular users who participate in our directory.
2 Requirements
- Obtener la medalla: «Miembro de la casa (Member of the house)». 1 vez. | Obtain the medal: «Miembro de la casa (Member of the house)». 1 time.
- Obtener la insignia: «Miembro de la casa – Canje (Member of the house – Redemption)». 2 veces. | Obtain the badge: «Miembro de la casa – Canje (Member of the house – Redemption)». 2 times.
- You will be able to obtain: “Newsletter, monthly edition”.
- Main beneficiaries: Wedding vendors, wedding or event planners.
- Validity: One month, it can be renewed with another exchange of this type.
- Functionality: So that wedding vendors; or well, wedding or event planners can further position themselves in the market for weddings, celebrations, flowers, and bridal fashion in Mexico.
You can see the product sheet at Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, for more information. Although it appears with its price in the store, when you get this trophy you can apply a 100% discount code for a month.
Tip Tap or click “Show Details” (below), to see the required steps you need to take to get this trophy.
Cuento de hadas (Fairy tale)
Español Nivel 3. Este trofeo es para recompensar a los usuarios que han decidido ser nuestros abanderados en Internet. | English Level 3. This trophy is to reward users who have chosen to be our standard bearers on the Internet.
2 Requirements
- Obtener el trofeo: «Cuento mágico de calabazas y muebles (Magical tale of pumpkins and furniture)». | Obtain the trophy: «Cuento mágico de calabazas y muebles (Magical tale of pumpkins and furniture)».
- Obtener la medalla: «Abanderado de la felicidad (Standard bearer of happiness)». 1 vez. | Obtain the medal: «Abanderado de la felicidad (Standard bearer of happiness)». 1 time.
- You will be able to obtainr: “Newsletter, advertising edition”.
- Main beneficiaries: Wedding vendors, wedding or event planners.
- Validity: One month, it can be renewed with another exchange of this type.
- Functionality: So that wedding vendors; or well, wedding or event planners can increase their sales in specific periods of time and gain more authority in the market for weddings, celebrations, flowers, and bridal fashion in Mexico.
You can see the product sheet at Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, for more information. Although it appears with its price in the store, when you get this trophy you can apply a 100% discount code for a month.
Tip Tap or click “Show Details” (below), to see the required steps you need to take to get this trophy.
Cuento de felices por siempre (Tale of happily ever after)
Español Nivel 4. Este es nuestro máximo trofeo para recompensar a nuestros usuarios más fieles que han aprovechado al máximo toda la experiencia. | English Level 4. This is our ultimate trophy to reward our most loyal users who have taken full advantage of the entire experience.
2 Requirements
- Obtener el trofeo: «Cuento de hadas (Fairy tale)». 1 vez. | Obtain the trophy: «Cuento de hadas (Fairy tale)». 1 time.
- Obtener todas las insignias. 1 vez. | Obtain all the badges. 1 time.
- You will be able to obtain: “Front page ad” in this thematic directory.
- Main beneficiaries: Wedding vendors, wedding or event planners.
- Validity: 61 days, can be renewed with another exchange of this type.
- Functionality: To obtain maximum visibility in this thematic directory in its English version.
You can see the product sheet at Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, for more information. Although it appears with its price in the store, when you get this medal you can apply a 100% discount code for a single ad.
Tip to unlock all badges.
In each type of reward, there are links to get special rewards, they are marked with this tag: Additional reward.
You can participate in those tasks to increase your balances and thus be able to unlock the corresponding badges.