Work desk

Everything is on the work desk.

Your account details, favorite ads and more.

Here we provide you with a work desk, a space that is automatically organized to efficiently track each of your ads.

List of contents on the work desk.

This list is like an index for you.

Messaging and chat
View your private conversations.

Tap or click here to view section
Virtual rewards balances
Get rewards for the activities you do within our directory.

Tap or click here to view section
Thematic directory services
My ads and my profile.
Post ads as a photographer and update your profile information.

Tap or click here to view section
Improve your ads as a wedding photographer
Position yourself above your competition by having better ads.

Tap or click here to view section
Upcoming weddings and events
You can “attack” on more fronts, you can see the list of new weddings that need photographers and contact them. There are also events that may be of interest to the photographer market.

Tap or click here to view section
© Amada Madonna Fairy
You can be in the elite of wedding photographers and get exclusive access to very interesting services to get more clients; for example, see the list of upcoming weddings through professional but easy to use tools.

Tap or click here to view section
Classified ads
These are ads for photographers and users of this directory to buy and sell items.

Tap or click here to view section
The account and orders
Services for managing your account in this directory.

Tap or click here to view section
More directories that might interest you
Recommendations of thematic directories with great potential.

Tap or click here to view section
Tip When descending on this thematic directory, a button will appear located in the lower right corner; will contain an up arrow, by touching or clicking on it you will be able to move up on this thematic directory quickly.

Selecciona tu Idioma.

Idioma Toca o haz clic en el nombre del idioma de tu elección para cambiar el sitio web a ese idioma.

Messaging and chat.

Here you will see the counter of the conversations you have pending to read.

Go now to our free "Messaging and chat" service, to read your pending conversations or to start a new conversation.

You can quickly access this page through the top menu of this directory.

Virtual rewards balances.

About translation

Translation This thematic directory refers to the Spanish words for points, kisses, candies, gems, medals, badges and trophies. The words are as follows in their respective order: “puntos”, “besos”, “caramelos”, “gemas”, “medallas”, “insignias” and “trofeos”.

0 Besos
0 Caramelos
0 Gemas
0 Puntos

Earn rewards for the activities you do within our directory.

You can redeem virtual rewards for free services or products, as appropriate.

You can also learn more about how to earn virtual rewards, so you can participate fully.

Thematic directory services.

My ads and my profile.

Tip Here you can update the contact information of the profile as a photographer and see the announcements that we make in

About the dashboardAd PostingHow to increase customers?
How to register as a wedding vendor in this thematic directory?

If in the registration form you chose the option “I am a user” and now you want to change your account to “I am an author”; so that in this way you can publish an ad as a wedding vendor, then you must touch or click on the button “Quiero convertirme en proveedor de bodas – I want to become a wedding vendor”.

Importante Debes de tener muy en cuenta que este proceso una vez hecho no se podrá deshacer.

If that button does not appear, then it is because your account is already registered as “I am an author”.

Once this process is complete, we suggest you log out and log in again but this time selecting the options as a wedding vendor.

How to add a listing as a wedding vendor?

First, your account must be set to “I am an author”. In case it is not and you want to do it, then look at the section called “How to become a wedding vendor?”, located in the “About the panel” tab.

If this requirement is met, then simply tap or click the “Submit Listing” button.

Remember that not all ads are approved even if they are sent. For more information on this topic, please see the “Terms and Conditions”.

Terms and Conditions

Recommendations for creating an ad.

It is most convenient to create a new ad via a desktop device, such as a computer. Although it is possible to do it through a smartphone, it may be more convenient to do it through the other way.

Can I modify an ad that has already been published?

Yes, you can modify an ad that has already been published. However, when you submit the ad with the changes, you will have to wait for it to be approved and published again.

If the ad is promoted as “outstanding”, does it affect if I make any changes to it?

No, it does not affect. However, if the ad is promoted as “outstanding”, or if you have contracted the service of © Amada Madonna Fairy, then you will have to wait for the ad to be approved and published again. The waiting time can be a little longer, compared to regular ads.

How to post more than one ad?

Do you need more than one ad?

You can add more than one ad for free if you have multiple business premises addresses.

If you are an independent wedding vendor and still need to add more listings, you can request more information.

 Remember that it is only through this option that you can publish more than one ad ; otherwise, your request may be rejected if you already have an active ad.

How do I know if I have to go through this process to publish an ad?

It’s easy, if you don’t have an active ad then you can post an ad as normal. But, if you already have  at least one ad active  and you want to add more, then you will need to go through the multiple ad activation process.

Post more than one ad

Keep your profile as a wedding provider vendor

Build trust to win customers.

Your profile in this thematic directory.

Potential customers in this thematic directory are encouraged to view the wedding vendor’s profile for important contact information. In this way, we provide certainty about the author of each publication. So it is essential that here in your “Work desk” in the section “Mi perfil – My profile” you keep your information updated, such as profile photography, the phone and more.

Do you want to see how your profile looks like as a wedding vendor?

Here we show you:

View my profile as a photographer

Enhance your advertising brochures and business cards

Know the unique code of the profile, one more reason to keep your profile updated.

For your advertising brochures and business cards.

To protect the environment and to be more efficient with your business, you can now provide business cards with our support.

It’s very easy, just keep the data of your business establishment updated in your profile; and if for example, you change your phone number, then you can update it in seconds for all your customers.

How to use it?

In your profile there is a QR Code, it is a unique code to identify you. Simply save the image of the QR Code and print it on your business cards or advertising brochures, so your customers will see your data in seconds and it will always be up to date.

View my profile as a photographer

Share your ads on social media, you can do it with one click

It is very easy to share any of your ads on social media.

To get started, visit the listing you want to share.

Once you’re inside the ad in question, there are two ways to share it.

  1. At the top of the ad, in the header that is called: Presentación del proveedor de bodas – Wedding vendor introduction. There is a series of 3 buttons. Next, you have to touch or click on the button that looks like an arrow to the right: ➡. Accordingly, select the social network on which you want to share the ad. It is worth mentioning that this option is the most limited in terms of sharing options on social media.
  2. You have to find the section called: Compartir – Share . If you are from a desktop device, such as a computer, then this section will appear in the sidebar on the right. If you are from a smartphone, then this section will appear in the lower areas. Accordingly, select the social network on which you want to share the ad. It is worth mentioning that this is the way in which you have the most options to share on social media.
Tip for Getting Reviews as a Wedding Vendor

It is very easy to share any of your ads on social media.

It greatly increases your chances of selling and getting more customers. In addition, this way you will be closer to redeeming your gems to obtain services for free.

To get started, visit the listing you want to share.

Once you’re inside the ad in question, there are two ways to share it.

First way.

At the top of the ad, in the header that is named as:  Presentación del fotógrafo de bodas – Introduction of the wedding photographer . There is a series of 3 buttons. Next, you have to touch or click on the button that looks like an arrow to the right: ➡. Accordingly, select the social network on which you want to share the ad. It is worth mentioning that this option is the most limited in terms of sharing options on social networks.

Second way.

You have to find the section named as:  Compartir – Share .

If you are on a desktop device, such as a computer, then this section will appear in the sidebar on the right. If you are on a smartphone, then this section will appear in the lower areas.

Accordingly, select the social network on which you want to share the ad. It is worth mentioning that this way is the one with the most options to share, on social media.

Improve your ads as a wedding photographer.

Position yourself above your competition.

Currency Prices are expressed in Mexican Pesos MXN.
🥉 Starter
Basic ad

Normal visibility

Valid for 730 days

The ad is NOT showing in prominent places

🥈 Recomendado
Obtainable on merits

High visibility

Valid for 730 days

The ad DOES show in some prominent places

Translation "Sobresaliente" is the Spanish word for outstanding. "Recomendado" It's the Spanish word for recommended.

All our ad types have the option to be renewed, according to their "Terms and Conditions". Our system sends notifications via email to inform about renewal options.

How to get a featured ad?

Recomendado (Recommended)

How to get an ad as “Recomendado”?

It’s simple and automatic, your advertisement as a photographer must be rated by clients with 4 stars or more (thus an average will be obtained), it must also obtain more than 3000 views.

But don’t worry, views usually generate themselves when clients recognize the quality of your work.

Sobresaliente (Outstanding)

Steps to get an ad as “Sobresaliente”.

In your “Work table” in the “My ads and my profile” section you will see a list of all your published ads.

Find the ad you want to promote; accordingly, by tapping or clicking on the option that says “More” in your ad, will bring up a new context menu that will include the “Promote” option. It is in this option where you can see the instructions and steps to promote your ad as “Sobresaliente”.

Account of Amada Madonna Store – MX EN.

You will need an account on Amada Madonna Store – MX EN to select the payment methods, as well as to complete the payment correctly. Making an account takes about 5 minutes and is free.

If you already have an account, simply log in.

My Orders and Addresses

Can they be combined?

Our proof that we value your talent.

Yes they can be combined,because if you already have an ad classified as “Recomendado” and you want to shine with all the intensity, you can choose to promote your ad even more through the “Sobresaliente” option, in this way both labels will be combined and you will be seen as the best of the best.

Upcoming weddings and events.

You can "attack" on more fronts, you can see the list of new weddings that need photographers and contact them. There are also events that may be of interest to the photographer market.

Tip Tap or click on the image of the wedding or event of your choice to access its contents.

Do you want to publish a wedding or event?

Wedding or event adsWedding or event plannersWedding or event venues

From here you can post wedding or event ads.

  • For weddings: You’ll get quotes from wedding vendors for every wedding ad you post.
  • For events: You can get participants for your events.

To post a new wedding or event ad

We will guide you step by step so you can publish your wedding or event ad, for free.

New wedding or event
To manage wedding or event ads

We will provide you with a weddings and events dashboard for you to manage your ads.

Manage wedding or event listings

Wedding or event planner, this is where you should start.

Members These services are only available to users assigned the  "Wedding Planner"  role.

In a professional way, in the events that are published you can show who will be the wedding or event planner.

To register a new wedding or event planner

You can register yourself or another person, who is a member of your wedding or event planner team.

New wedding or event planner

To manage wedding or event planners

You can manage the wedding or event planners associated to this account, this way you can edit data or delete it.

Manage wedding or event planners

Wedding or event venues here are efficient.

Members These services are only available to users assigned the  "Wedding Planner"  role.

You can save time, in the published events you can show details about the important aspects of the wedding venue. It is suitable if, for example, you work with certain wedding or event venues that are frequently repeated, albeit with different clients.

To register a new wedding or event venue

Here you can register the wedding or event venues you usually work with.

New wedding or event venue
To manage wedding or event venues

You can manage the wedding or event venues associated to this account, this way you can edit data or delete it.

Manage wedding or event venues

Where are wedding or events ads published?

In the corresponding sections of each State. For example, if an announcement is assigned for the State of Nuevo Leon, then it will appear on a rotating basis in the sections corresponding to that State.

You can see the list of all the States through the following button:

All cities

© Amada Madonna Fairy.

Gives you access.

Subscription To see the lists of all available weddings and events it is necessary to have an active subscription to © Amada Madonna Fairy - Mexico.

Want to see listings of all weddings and events?

You can choose the language and select the State.

How to get the subscription?

Know more about © FairyThrough an exchangeIn store

You can get important information directly on the website of The Amada Madonna Company, so you can see all the advantages that will allow you to be more efficient by increasing your productivity, you can also save time and money.

© Amada Madonna Fairy

You can get this service  free  through a redemption.

Members Get the necessary information through the following button to know how to participate.


You can get more information on Amada Madonna Store - MX EN through the following button:

See sheet of © Amada Madonna Fairy

Classified ads.

To buy and sell.

These are ads for photographers and users of this directory to buy and sell items.

Classified ads dasboard.

Add, manage or promote.

Tip Tap or click on the classified ad image of your choice to access its content.

Currency Prices are expressed in Mexican Pesos MXN.

The account and orders.

Important Customer service is offered through the online stores of The Amada Madonna Company. You can create an account for free in online stores, you only need a valid email.

f you don't have an account yet,  you can create one in less than 5 minutes  by clicking on the button below:

My Orders and Addresses

User accountOrders and advertisementsSubscription to © Fairy
Customer Service

Need help?

Go to Amada Madonna Company Customer Service.

Customer Service

Change my account type

Only wedding couples can change their account type.

If your account is set to Wedding Vendor or Wedding Planner, then you will not be able to change the account type.

User reception

Get a file with your data

You can request a ZIP file with your account information, account history, as well as general account activity.

Once you have completed all the steps to request your file, you will have a few days to download it, the information about the days will be specified in an email that we will send you. After those days the data will be deleted. Therefore, if you want to obtain your file with your data again, then you must request it through these steps with this same process./p>

Request file

Terminate this account

If for any reason you want your account deleted, you can use the following secure form to request the deletion of your account. Remember that this is an irreversible process, where all your data, photos and related information will be deleted.

Since this directory is Mexican, all accounts in it are considered to be Mexican.

Request the termination

Request reactivation of an ad

In case any of your ads remain as “Pending”, because you did not complete an order or any similar situation, then you can request the reactivation of your ad in its free mode.

To do so, simply find the ad in question from your dashboard in the “Work desk” and tap or click on the “Edit” option. Then, submit it as you normally would and wait for the Directory Administration to authorize the changes, so that they can publish the ad in its free mode.

Appeal the cancellation of an order

In the event that an order of yours has been cancelled, you can appeal the decision to know more about the reasons and obtain resources to reactivate the order. Remember that you have 30 calendar days to make the appeal from the cancellation of the order.

To do so, you can contact the Customer Service Team in Mexico of The Amada Madonna Company, which is the one that corresponds to this thematic directory because it is Mexican.

Support tickets

About tax invoices

You can consult all the information available about tax invoices, through Amada Madonna Store – MX EN, by accessing through the following button:

Tax invoices

If you are already subscribed, then you can manage your subscription through your account at Amada Madonna Store - MX EN, accessing through the following button:

My profile and subscriptions

Account Your account type is: Wedding Vendor.

More directories that might interest you.

Fashion photographers at Lirio de Luz Paris.

Are you a fashion photographer in Mexico?

Thematic directory for fashion photographers.

If you are a fashion photographer  you can register for free  and reach the fashion market. If you are interested in meeting professionals in this area in Mexico, then this directory is perfect for you.