New wedding or event planner

Register a new wedding or event planner.

Why register a wedding or event planner?

It is a professional way of working, so you can register the members of your team of wedding or event planners, assign them, describe their qualities as a wedding or event professional, as well as allow members to communicate to answer questions and more.

Currently the selected language is: English.

What is the main language of the wedding or event planner?

From here you will register a new wedding or event planner in the selected language. If you want to register him/her in another language, such as Spanish, for your weddings or events in Spanish, then you need to change the language from the language selector located on this page.

Selecciona tu Idioma.

Idioma Toca o haz clic en el nombre del idioma de tu elección para cambiar el sitio web a ese idioma.

How to enter the information correctly?

In the name.

It should be as short as possible,  just the name is enough . So it is not necessary to write descriptions or offers.

In the description.

For the registration to be approved, you must write  only two paragraphs .

  1. In the first: Write the name of the State with the name of the country in which you usually work. You can use the following format:  Nuevo León, Mexico . If you have a team that usually works in different States, then you can enter them with the following format: Nuevo León, Jalisco in Mexico.
  2. In the second: Write the text as short and concise as possible, so that it adequately describes the main benefits or characteristics of working with the wedding or event planner; or well, with the weddings or event venue.

The result should look like this:

Nuevo León, Mexico.

We organize weddings professionally with more than 10 years of experience.

What's next?

Once you have registered your new wedding or event planner...

You can view the list of wedding or event planners for important information, or edit the data from the "Wedding or event planner dashboard" page. You can access it through the following button: