Here you can communicate safely.
Messaging and chat panel.
Login required
Tap or click the button on the “Messaging and chat panel”, which is similar to this icon: .
First way: Through the name of the person.
Next, in the field “Send to”, write the name of the person to whom you want to send the private message; finally, select from the new list the name of the corresponding person.
Second way: Through the username.
Next, in the “Send to” field, write the username of the person to whom you want to send the private message; Finally, select the corresponding username from the new list, when doing so it is normal for the username to be replaced by the name of the person.
Accordingly, enter the necessary information in the “Subject” fields and “Message”; finally, tap or click the button that looks like this icon: . That button corresponds to the option “Send Message”.
Selecciona tu Idioma.
Idioma Toca o haz clic en el nombre del idioma de tu elección para cambiar el sitio web a ese idioma.
We protect you with our service: Messaging and chat.
You can safely communicate with clients, photographers and wedding planners who are members of this directory, through our service: Messaging and chat.
This way, your personal information is not exposed as it happens on Facebook or on certain competing wedding directories. In addition, you can prevent fraud by viewing the ads and the reputation of the wedding vendors.
We do not recommend that you use means of contact such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger for initial communication. We advise this to prevent misunderstandings.