Wedding photographers in Zacatecas, Mexico.
Here you can see the best wedding photographers in Zacatecas. You can also see reviews, services, offers, discount coupons and more.

The best wedding photographers in Zacatecas.
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Wedding photographers in Zacatecas.
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Wedding photography.

Locations in Zacatecas.

Ideas for photo shoots in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico.
History, nature and culture coexist in the state of Zacatecas. Its archeological zones and magical cities make it a tourist destination that can be visited at any time of the year, thanks to the climate of the different regions. Have you already decided to get married in Zacatecas? A pat on the back!
Here are some places to take pictures: "El Edén" Mine, "De la Bufa" Hill, Rafael Coronel Museum, "La Quemada" Archaeological Zone, Zacatecas Cathedral, Santo Domingo Church, Pedro Coronel Museum, Nuestra Señora de Fátima Parish, Sierra de Órganos National Park, "Tierra Adentro" Wines and the Zacatecas Museum.
In Zacatecas you can enjoy its amazing and intense blue sky; its beautiful sunsets, its streets that are easy to walk through, its amazing buildings that are the right setting for a wedding, as well as a proposal of marriage.
The Santa Monica Cones. They were built around the year 1840 for the cereals harvested in the Hacienda de San Juan de Trancoso, there are 22 silos working until the early twentieth century. This place is emblematic because it was the protagonist of one of Francisco Goitia's paintings. This site has served as a hotel, restaurant and now it is a favorite place for weddings.
In Zacatecas, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the Videños, where you can taste good food, have a very pleasant time, and learn about the wine culture of the region. The winery is located only 25 minutes from the capital, you can find it as "Campo Real" Vineyards; or, at a similar distance you can go to "Luévano Ruiz".
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